About This Website

This website offers  a wealth of resources for those interested in bringing their project to the book form.  A companion to the third edition of PUBLISH YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK, the resources within are organized by type of information, or in the case of events, additionally by location.

Resources include; Production Studios & Services, Photobook Awards & Prizes, Photography & Photobook Festivals, Photography & Photobook Fairs, Photobook Publishers, Independent Bookstores, Photobook Distributors, and Limited Edition & Artist Book Resources.

All information was current as of the date the third edition of PUBLISH YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK shipping (July, 2023); it is wise to check the websites listed for any changes to their events schedules, extensions of competition entry deadlins, and so forth.

If you find we have missed an offering or value, or a broken link, please let us know by clicking below.

Book cover photo by Brad Trone, courtesy Radius Books

About The Book

Publish Your Photography Book by Darius D. Himes and Mary Virginia Swanson was initially published in 2011 by Princeton Architectural Press. An expanded and revised edition was produced in 2014. Both editions sold out.

In 2021, building on the strong foundation of earlier editions, research began towards production of a comprehensive update to reflect the expanding prominence of self-publishing, limited edition, and artist-made books.  The third edition of this widely anticipated title was release by Radius Books (Santa Fe, New Mexico USA) in July 2023 and combines essays by the authors alongside essays and voices of over 60 contributors, including respected photobook makers, prominent publishing industry publishers, scholars, curators, photobook editors and designers, production managers, distributors, book sellers and heads of photobook festivals.

Each book includes a detachable workbook to aid photographers on their publishing journey, new with this edition. An expanded 32-page version of this workbook is downloadable on this website.

About The Complete Course Recordings

Mary Virginia Swanson, Core Lecture #1: The role of your book in your career

Mary Virginia Swanson developed and produced with La Luz Workshops a companion 9-week educational series entitled Publish Your Photography Book featuring over 40 hours of original content, combining deep lectures by Swanson & co-author Darius Himes with presentations and interviews with 25 special guest contributors to the third edition of the book.

Unlimited access open now through March 17, 2024

Discount Code: Register now with code: PYPBCOM30 for 30% off registration fee.

About The Workbook

This Workbook was created as a complement to Publish Your Photography Book and is intended to guide you on your pathway to publishing a book of your photographs.

This unique, comprehensive Workbook will assist and support you on the “nuts and bolts” details associated with developing and producing your photobook. An abridged version of the Workbook is included as an abbreviated, detachable booklet and inserted in each copy of Publish Your Photography Book.

We encourage you to assemble a three-hole project binder and insert this extensive 32-page guidebook. You can add notes to this as needed to record and track your activities throughout the process, including project research, image edits, and submissions to competitions and publishers. You will be able to organize your research on papers, printing, binding choices, and track the work of team members, deliverables and budgets. You will be able to document opportunities and marketing plans and public relations for the launch of your book and much more.

This Workbook is not for reproduction beyond your personal use without prior permission.

The Additional Resources

“Additional Resources” have been migrated to this dedicated website rather than appearing in Publish Your Photography Book  Third Edition Resource Appendices.

Additional Resources includes selected photobook resources compiled by topic, and in the case of larger, significant lists organized by country / state.   All lists are downloadable in PDF format.

Upcoming events.

Here you will find schedules for upcoming book signings, author presentations, and more as the dates are set.

March 2025