Additional Resources by Category
“Additional Resources” have been migrated to this dedicated website rather than appearing in Publish Your Photography Book Third Edition Resource Appendices.
Additional Resources includes selected photobook resources compiled by topic, and in the case of larger, significant lists organized by country / state. All resources provided are current as of late July, 2023. All lists are downloadable in PDF format.
Publish Your Photography Book encompasses a broad range of works from traditionally published books to small press and self-published titles. Within some categories, such as Festivals, and Fairs, we have noted whether photobook exhibitors or vendors are focused on primarily trade and small press publications, or primarily showcasing limited edition and artist-made books.
For a larger, long-established events such as Le Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, France we list it under Photobook Festival (wide variety of public programming), Photobook Fair (as there is a dedicated gathering of publishers/self-publishers who secure booths to sell their books within the larger Festival) and lastly under Photobook Awards (in 2023 there were separate photobook dummy and published book competitions).
Please note: some festivals and fairs have yet to resume consistent programming post pandemic hence their current absence from these listings.
You will find within each category references to specific related content in the book by Section and page number.
We encourage you to explore each category and follow links to broaden your awareness of current photobook community offerings, event and competition deadlines, costs of production services, and much more.
Additional Resources will periodically be updated and new listings added as arise or suggested by readers (see CONTACT to submit new entries to us by category).
All lists are downloadable in PDF format for your personal use and are not for reproduction without prior permission.